Book a personal appointment
Find the right chakra frequencies for your journey and create a personalized collection just for yourself.
Our inside world is expressed though our fashion sense. We can let our Archetypes shine through this expression rather than simply following trends. We step into our power when we consciously start to make styling choices.
What to expect
Join me for an online or in-person styling appointment. Just bring yourself, and let me show you the magic of the Rising Frequency Collection. We will pick 2-3 pieces or more to personalize them to your journey in life and wardrobe.
We analyze your existing style, wardrobe and fashion.
We select few pieces of the collection and I will give you tips for your overall style and presentation.
We select one or more items for every day wear which will represent the main accomplishment you are working on at the moment.
We will pick a special and celebratory item(s) which you can wear for occasions like business meetings, family events or vacations. This piece will represent your super power. Jewelry which will help you to grow or see hidden treasures in yourself.
We create a mantra for each area of your life you can work with and choosing the jewelry piece which will represent that aspect.
We can connect digitally or in person by appointment at my studio in Rino, Denver.